Are the Sensors (Security Beams) / Transmitters Waterproof?
The Sensor (beam) / Transmitters can be used indoors and outside. They are designed to withstand weather including rain and snow, but are not designed to be submerged in water. When installed outside the Sensor (beam) / Transmitters do best when in a covered area and not in direct sunlight.
How does the Sensor (Security Beam) / Transmitter work?
The Sensor (beam) / Transmitter is a passive infrared receiver (PIR). It detects movement by a change in background temperature and transmits a radio signal to the Receiver / Speaker that movement has been detected. You may find it helpful to review the How Voice Alert Works page.
Will birds / dogs / cats trigger a false signal?
The Sensors (security beams) / Transmitters are designed to ignore small animals under 18 Kg. To reduce the possibility for a false trigger caused by movement of a small animal it is recommended that the Sensors (security beams) / Transmitters be mounted at a height of 1.5m above the ground. The lower the Sensors (security beams) / Transmitters are mounted the greater the chance of picking up a small animal.
Will tree branches trigger a false signal?
It is possible for branches to cause a false trigger. The best location to install the Sensor (security beam) / Transmitter in an area where tree branches and bushes will not be blown by a wind in the detection zone of the Sensor (Security Beam) / Transmitters.
How often will the Sensor (Security Beam) / Transmitter send a signal?
The Sensor (security beam) / Transmitter has two modes for sensing movement and sending a signal. The (setup) mode that is set at the factory identifies all movement and transmits each detected movement to the Receiver / Speaker. The battery saver mode has an adjustable timer that will detect movement after the time delay setting and then transmit to the Receiver / Speaker.
What is the maximum distance between the Receiver Base & Sensors (Beams)?
The maximum distance between the Receiver Base (Control) Unit and the PIR wireless sensors (security beams) is 300m if there are no obstructions (line of sight); and approx. 100m through walls and obstructions. The distance can be increased with indoor or outdoor repeaters. The maximum effective distance for the PIR sensors (Security beams) is 0-20m although it could be a little bit further.
Will the system work through walls of my home?
The system is designed to function through the interior walls of a home and exterior walls of a home. The Sensors (Security Beams) / Transmitters have difficulty transmitting a signal through aluminum siding or metal surfaces and are best located on a window in that situation.
How many Sensors (Security Beams) / Transmitters will the system recognize?
There is no limit to the number of Sensors (security beams) / Transmitters that can be installed with a system. There are 6 voice messages (that you record in your own voice depending on application) that are available for the Sensors (security beams) / Transmitters to activate.
Is there a way to get more range between the Sensors (Security Beams) / Transmitters and the Receiver / Speaker?
Range from the furthest Sensor (security beam) / Transmitter to the Receiver / Speaker can be improved significantly by using a Receiver / Speaker and a Transmitter as a repeater. The furthest Sensor (beam) / Transmitter sends a signal to a Receiver / Speaker and the "C" relay triggers another Transmitter to send its signal to a further Receiver / Speaker. This solution can be expanded indefinitely as long as there is power available at the site of the repeater station.
Can a Sensor (Security Beam) trigger more than one Receiver / Speaker (Base Unit)?
Yes. A Sensor (Beam) can be programmed to trigger recorded messages from one or more Receiver / Speakers (Base Units). For example, suppose you were a Retailer and placed 1 Sensor (Security Beam) by the front door. When the Sensor (beam) is triggered, you could use one Receiver / Speaker to play a message such as "Welcome to my store. Let us know how we can help you." The same Sensor (motion detecter beam) triggers a second Receiver / Speaker in the back office, notifying staff someone is in the store with the message "A customer is out front."
Will the Sensor (beam) / Transmitter work in the dark?
Yes, the Sensor (beam) / Transmitter will work in the dark or in full light.
How long will the battery last in the Sensor (Security Beam) / Transmitter?
The battery in the Sensor (security beam) / Transmitter can last up to 1 year depending on if the Sensor (security beam) / Transmitter is set to battery saver mode. Temperature can also affect the life of any battery. Operating a battery at cold temperature will reduce its life.
For further queries, please contact us.
Is die Sensor (Sekuriteit's Straal) / Sender Waterdig?
Die Sensor (straal) / sender kan binne of buite U geboue aangebring word, aangesien hulle ontwerp is om weerbestand te wees (insluitende reen & sneeu). Hulle is wel nie ontwerp om onder water geplaas te word nie. Probeer wel om die sensors wat buite geplaas word in bedekte areas te plaas. Moet hulle ook nie in direkte sonlig plaas nie.
Hoe werk die Sensor/Sender?
Die sensor/sender is 'n passiewe infrarooi ontvanger (PIR). Dit tel beweging op dmv enige verandering in die agtergrond temperatuur. Wanneer beweging opgetel word, stuur die Sensor/ 'n radio sein na die Ontvanger / Luidspreker. Vir verdere inligting, lees die volgende bladsy: Hoe werk die VoiceAlert?
Sal voƫls / diere 'n valse alarm stuur?
Die sensors/senders is ontwerp om klein diere (onder 18kg) te ignoreer. Om die kanse vir 'n valse sein, wat deur diere veroorsaak word,te verminder, plaas die sensors op 'n minimum hoogte van 1.5m. Die laer die sensor geplaas word, hoeveel groter is die kanse dat dit diere sal optel.
Sal Boomtakke 'n valse alarm stuur?
Dit is moontlik dat boomtakke valse alarm kan veroorsaak. Plaas die sensors dus op areas waar die kanse, vir takke en bosse wat gewaai word deur die wind, min is.
Hoe gereeld stuur die Sensor 'n sein?
Die Sensor het 2 stellings vir die optelling & stuur van seine. Die aanvanklike fabriek stelling identifiseer alle bewegings en stuur dan seine met elke opgetelde beweging. Die battery-spaar (tydskakelaar) stelling laat U toe om die sensors te stel om beweging eers na tydvertragings op te tel.
Wat is die maksimum afstand tussen die Sensors & Ontvang Sisteem?
Die maksimum afstand tussen sensors en die Ontvang Sisteem is 300m as daar geen obstruksies in die pad is nie; & omtrent 100m deur mure & obstruksies. Die afstand kan wel vermeerder word met binne- of buite herhalers. Die effektiefste afstand tussen die Sensors is 0-20m.
Sal die stelsel deur my huis se mure werk?
Die sisteem is ontwerp om deur gewone mure te funksioneer, maar dit het probleme om deur aluminium of staal obstruksies siene te stuur. Indien daar aluminium of staal in die pad van die sein kan wees, plaas die sensor liewers by 'n venster.
Hoeveel Sensors sal die stelsel kan identifiseer?
Daar is geen limiet tov hoeveel Sensors geinstalleer kan word nie. Daar is wel 'n maksimum van 6 boodskappe wat U kan opneem vir 6 verskillende sones ("zones").
Is daar 'n manier om die afstand tussen die Sensors en Ontvanger te verleng?
Die afstand tussen die verste Sensor & die Ontvanger kan verleng word dmv 'n Herhaler. Die Sensor stuur dan die sein na die Herhaler, en die stuur dit dan na die Ontvanger. Maak net seker die Herhaler is naby 'n kragbron.
Kan 'n Sensor 'n sein na meer as een Ontvanger toe stuur?
Ja, die Sensor kan geprogrammeer word om op meer as een Ontvanger boodskappe te speel. Bv. Wanneer 'n klient in U winkel instap, sal een Ontvanger in die kantoor die boodskap gee dat daar iemand in die winkel is, en 'n ander Ontvanger binne die winkel die klient verwelkom.
Hoe lang hou die batterye in die Sensor?
Indien die Sensor op die battery-spaar stelling gestel is, kan dit 'n jaar hou. Let wel, die temperatuur sal ook 'n invloed he op die battery se leeftyd (koue verminder die leeftyd).
Sal die Sensor in die donker werk?
Ja, die Sensor werk in beide dag/nag lig.
Vir enige verdere vra, kontak ons gerus.