Best Value Outdoor Sensor Available
Since 2003, VoiceAlert’s Outdoor Security Sensors / Beams have protected tens of thousands of homes across South Africa.
Feedback emails to us indicate that hundreds of people literally owe their lives to the early warning capabilities of this little marvel (triggering the VoiceAlert Early Warning Base Unit). Because of its afforability, it's almost ‘criminal’ not to have it looking out for you!
Size Does Matter
In this case – small is powerful! The secret to VoiceAlert sensor’s phenomenal success as a crime barrier is it’s small inconspicuous size; battery driven and totally wireless (up to 300m range/100m through walls), you can mount this little wonder in areas criminals won’t think to look.
Triggers Voice, SMS, or standard Alarm/Siren/Armed Response
VoiceAlert sensors are engineered to work with the USA-imported patented VoiceAlert System-6 Wireless Early Warning Panel.
However, they have proven to be such a reliable and affordable outdoor means of detection, that we have used them far and wide in all sorts of installations – wirelessly triggering out GSM/SMS and Standard Alarm panels.
Battery or Solar Powered
Powered by standard AAA batteries or (square, matchbox-sized) PM9 batteries (old sensors); available at any supermarket; depending on the amount of detection and transmission activity it experiences, VoiceAlert sensors can operate for months on a standard battery. Alternatively, utilize rechargeable batteries (and our optional solar panel faceplate).
When a low battery condition is detected, your VoiceAlert sensor will send a special code (for several weeks) – and the receiver will react by indicating via LED light, voice warning, or Sms precisely which zone has a low battery.
Easy to Configure
An 8-button dipcode array allows for up to 256 different frequency code selections – this allows up to 256 separate zone differentiations for any particular installation. Any given dipcode array setting selected will allow the receiving base unit to define a particular zone, and react accordingly.
Easy to Mount
VoiceAlert sensors mount to any surface with two screws (for temporary installations; tape, Prestic, Velcro, or cable ties are often used – providing the base is stable and won’t shift in wind). The ball and socket bracket allows the sensor to be orientated to face any desired field of view.
DIY Installation/Re-Location
Because of their simplicity, users can (having read the manual !) place VoiceAlert wireless sensorswherever needed, and then re-position them as necessary – without fuss or need for technicians.
Unique Temporary Installations
Many of our clients (farmers; police/neighbourhood watches doing stakeouts; etc) utilize VoiceAlert sensors on a ‘floating’ basis, re-locating them regularly to ‘hot spots’.
We’re extremely happy to confirm that countless criminals have been caught ‘red-handed’ using our sensors.
Great RF/Wireless Range (to Base Unit)
VoiceAlert Alarm Systems uses the highest-(legislatively)-allowed 433-mhz radio transmissions to trigger alarm panel base units (signal repeaters/boosters and high-gain antennas are available from us on request).
The engineers quote “up to 300m line of sight, 100m through walls”. But range depends on the terrain – we have seen ranges over 600m, but also under 50m (when a signal must travel at an angle through very thick walls). In summary, VoiceAlert sensor RF range is truly the best we have seen out in the market.
On/Off LED Switch
During setup and orientation of a VoiceAlert sensor to cover a specific field-of-view, the built in LED displaying its red light through a prism window in the front of the sensor housing can be invaluable to provide an instant and aggravation-free indication when you enter that field-of-view.
However, in operation, it is generally an unnecessary waste of battery life. More importantly, ‘stealth’ is one of the key’s to VoiceAlert’s sensors’ unique capabilities. Because you can place VoiceAlert sensors in very unusual positions (under the eaves of roofs, in trees, etc. where most other sensors can’t be placed), allowing the light to illuminate when activated defeats the stealthy intent. The LED On/Off switchallows you to deactivate the light, yet allows the sensor to operate with full function.
- Monitored Range 88-degrees / 20m ‘long’ x 15m ‘wide’
- Adjustable Mount – rotate and pivot ball-n-socket type
- Indoor/Outdoor weather proof enclosure
- Battery Operated sensor & transmitter, 2xAAA batteries included
- Method of Detection Pyroelectric Infrared Detector (Heat)
- Adjustable Beam
- Default: Fan Beam approx 78 degrees & 20m x 15m
- Options: Vertical Beam or Horizontal Beam adjustments
- RF Frequency transmitted 433.92 Mhz
- Output Power FCC part 15 approved, SAIDSA approved
- Transmission range up to 300m open space & 100m through walls
- Code ProgrammingUser Programmable 256 codes
- Power ManagementBattery saver settings
- Dimensions 110mm (long) x 60mm (wide) x 85mm (incl. bracket)
- Operating Temperature-10c° to +50c°
Buite Sekuriteit Sensors is die Beste Waarde beskikbaar
VoiceAlert se Sensors beskerm vanaf 2003 derduisende huishoudings regoor Suid-Afrika.
Terugvoering vanaf VoiceAlert verbruikers het aangedui dat die nuttige VoiceAlert Sekuriteit sisteme al talle mense se lewens gered het, danksy die vroegtydige waarskuwings. Dit is amper krimineel om nie een van die bekostigbare sisteme en sensors te besit nie.
Grootte maak Saak
In hierdie geval is "kleiner is beter" van toepassing. Die geheim van die VoiceAlert Sensors se sukses as 'n grens vir misdaad, is die sensor se klein grootte, dat dit met battery werk en dat dit "draadloos" is (tot 'n maksimum afstand van 300m / 100m deur mure).
U kan die sensors plaas waar krimenele nie eers aan sal dink om te kyk nie.
Ontvang U sisteem se waarskuwing dmv Klank (stem opname), SMS of Standaard Alarm/Sirene Reaksie
VoiceAlert se sensors is ontwerp om saam met die VSA-ingevoerde gepatenteerde VoiceAlert Sisteme - 6 Draadloses Vroegtydige Waarskuwings Panele - te werk.
MAAR, aangesien die sensors oor en oor bewys het dat dit 'n uitmuntende, asook betroubare & bekostigbare, sisteem is om buite gebruik te word om beweging op te tel, het ons dit ook al in talle ander installasies gebruik.
Battery of Sonkrag
Die sensors gebruik standaard AAA batterye of (vuurhoutjieboksie-grootte) PM9 batterye (ou sensors) - te koop by die meeste winkels. Afhangende van die hoeveelheid "beweging-optellings" en sein sendings aktiwiteite kan die batterye vir maande gebruik word (standaard battery leeftyd).
Wanneer die battery se leeftyd laag is, sal die sensor 'n spesiale kode, vir 'n paar weke, stuur - en die ontvanger sal via 'n LED liggie, opname, of sms U laat weet in watter sone (area) die battery vervang moet word.
Maklik om in te stel
'n 8-Knoppie "dipcode" uiteensetting verskaf tot 'n maksimum van 256 verskillende frekwensie kode opsies - maw U het tot 256 verskillende sone (area) opsies vir elke alarm installasie.
Maklik om op te stel
VoiceAlert sensors kan aan byna enige oppervlak met 2 skroefies vasgemaak word - vir tydelike plasings kan "tape", "Prestic", "Velcro" of "cable ties" gebruik word, mits dit aan 'n stabiele basis geheg word. Die "ball & socket bracket" laat U toe om die sensor te draai in verskillende rigtings.
DIY Installasies / Her-opstellings
Aangesien die eenhede so eenvoudig is om op te stel, kan eienaars dit self aanbring waar hulle dit wil hê (mits hulle die handleiding deurgelees het).
Unieke Tydelike Opstellings
Talle van ons kliente (boere; polisie; buurtwag ens) gebruik VoiceAlert se stelsels op 'n "floating" basis. Die stelsels word rondgeskuif soos nodig bv in "hot spots".
Ons kan met trots noem dat 'n hele paar kriminele "red-handed" gevang is.
Fantastiese "RF"/Draadlose Afstand
Die VoiceAlert Alarm Sisteme gebruik die hoogste (volgens die wet) aanvaarbare 433-mhz radio transmissies om die basis eenhede te aktiveer (sein herhalers/versterkers & hoë-ontvangste antennas is beskikbaar op navraag).
Die voorgestelde afstand is 300m sigbare afstand & 100m deur mure, maar die afstand word deur die gebied bepaal - daar is gevalle waar die afstande oor 600m strek, maar ook gevalle waar dit onder 50m is. Gevolgtrekking - VoiceAlert sensors se Radio Frekwensie afstand is eerlikwaar van die beste op die mark.
Aan/Af LED Skakelaar
Gedurende die opstelling van die VoiceAlert sensor is dit tot U voordeel dat die rooi lig van die ingeboude LED brand, sodat U kan sien watter area die sensor optel. Sodra U in die sensor se omgewing inbeweeg sal die lig brand.
Maar terwyl die sensor aktief is, is dit beter as die sensor "geheim" gehou word. Aangesien die sensors basies enige plek geinstalleer kan word (onder dak oorhange, bome ens.), is die sensors se "wegsteekbaarheid" 'n groot voordeel. Die LED lig kan dan afgesakel word sodat toetreders nie bewus is van die sensors nie.
- Gemoniteerde Afstand 88 grade / 20m "lengte" x 15m "breedte"
- Verstelbare Klamp - draai die sensor sodat dit presies is soos U dit wil he
- Binne/Buite Weer beskermings Omhulsel
- Sensor & Versenders werk met battery (2xAAA Battery ingesluit)
- Metode hoe beweging opgetel word - Infrarooi (Hitte)
- Veranderbare straal ("beam")
- Fabriek-stelling: Waaier Straal +/- 78 grade & 20m x 15m
- Opsies: Vertikale of Horisontale Straal stellings
- RF - radio transmissie 433.92Mhz
- Uitset Krag FCC deel 15 aanvaarbaar (SAIDSA goedgekeur)
- Transmissie Afstand tot 300 m in oop area & 100m deur mure
- Kode Programmering - Verbruiker kan dit self programmeer (256 kodes)
- Krag bestuur - Battery besparing Stellings
- Dimensies: 110mm (lank) x 60mm (wyd) x 85mm (Hak ingesluit)
- Verbruiks Temperatuur -10c° - 50c°