The Vibration Switch is a very handy tool to warn you of anything - which is not suppose to move - that moves. The VoiceAlert Vibration Switch is a little device that you attach to a transmitter with a dip switch setting and then set it to one of your VoiceAlert / TextAlert zones.
- Motor vehicles – If you have 4 vehicles at home, you can take 4 vibration switches and set their dip switch settings to the same setting. Put one in each vehicle and set one of your VoiceAlert or TextAlert zones for "Somebody at the vehicles". Nobody will move one of your vehicles without you knowing it.
- Protect water meters - Attach the little device on your water meter and as soon as somebody want to remove your old copper water meter – you will know it immediately.
- You can do the same to protect other equipment that normally get stolen.
For Example:- Borehole pumps
- Tractor batteries
- Gate motors
- Generators
- Bicycles
- Even Cycads
- and more...
Die "Vibration Switch" ("Vibrasie Skakelaar") is 'n baie handige hulpmiddel wat U laat weet as iets beweeg wat nie veronderstel is om te beweeg nie. Dit is 'n klein toestel wat jy aan 'n sender met 'n "dip switch" ("transmitter") heg, en dan op een van U sones ("zones") instel.
- Motor Voertuie - plaas "vibration switches" in U voertuie. Wanneer dit beweeg sal U in kennis gestel word.
- Water Meterleser - as iemand by U meterleser karring, sal U in kennis gestel word.
- Motor Hekke
- Boorgate
- Batterye
- Fietse
- "Generators"
- Broodbome
- en meer...