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All VoiceAlert Security System's Receivers & Hubs (or alarm panels) are designed with hassle-free, cost effective, easy-install (DIY), and user-friendliness at their core.

VoiceAlert Alarm System's Receivers and Security Hubs link wirelessly (via Radio/RF) with the compatible VoiceAlert Alarm System's Sensors and Detectors.

DIY Range
  • Our DIY range of sensors allows you to quickly set up your own 8-dipswitch VoiceAlert / TextAlert units in minutes (our agents will gladly assist you if needed).
  • Utilizing our TX transmitters – listed under “Peripherals” in the Products section, you can easily link any manufacturer's sensors and detectors to Voicealert Receivers and Hubs.
  • Using our RT signal repeater/booster, the already impressive wireless performance and range between our sensors and hubs can be vastly extended to suit your needs.
  • Using our Vibration Switch together with our TX transmitters you can wirelessly protect anything that is not suppose to move or tampered with, the already impressive wireless performance and range between our sensors and hubs can be vastly extended with this feature.

Don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions!

Al die VoiceAlert Sekuriteit Sisteme se Ontvangers en Eenhede is ontwerp om koste-effektief en maklik installeerbaar te wees. Dit is ook uiters verbruikers-vriendelik.

Die VoiceAlert Sekuriteit Sisteme se Ontvangers en Eenhede koppel ook dmv Radio Frekwensie (draadloos) met VoiceAlert se Sensors.

DIY (Doen dit jouself)
  • Die DIY reeks Sensors en VoiceAlert / TextAlert Eenhede kan self maklik binne minute opgestel word (ons agente sal U met graagte help indien U hulp benodig)
  • Deur gebruik te maak van ons TX Senders, kan U enige vervaardiger se sensors & optellers maklik aan die VoiceAlert se Ontvangers & Eenhede koppel.
  • Die afstand tussen die VoiceAlert Ontvanger & Sensors is reeds indrukwekkend, maar dit kan vermeerder word dmv ons RT Sein Herhalers.
  • Dmv van ons Vibrasie Skakelaar & TX Sender, kan U enige iets wat nie veronderstel is om te beweeg of mee gekarring behoort te word nie, draadloos (wireless) beskerm.

Kontak ons gerus indien U enige vrae het.