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Transmitter for Voice Alert Early Warning System

The VoiceAlert Transmitter is a very handy piece of equipment to transform most wired sensors & devices wireless.

We usually use it with the VoiceAlert Vibration Switch, but other wired sensors & detectors can also be linked to the transmitter - which you set with a dip switch setting and then to one of your VoiceAlert / TextAlert zones.



Die VoiceAlert Sender ("Transmitter") is 'n baie handige stuk toerusting wat die meeste sensors & toestelle in draadlose ("wireless") toestelle verander.

Ons gebruik dit gewoonlik saam met 'n VoiceAlert "Vibration Switch", maar ander sensors & toestelle kan ook aan die sender (transmitter) gekoppel word, wat weer gestel word op een van U sones ("zones").